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(22/11/2018)Participation of LASER Teams in the 2018 Latin American and Brazilian Robotics Competition - LARC/CBR!!!

(15/11/2017)Students Participate in Latin American Robotics Competition - and Win!!!

(08/06/2017)Official Inauguration of the new Lab


3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2017)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2016)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2015)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2015)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 3D(2014)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup@Home(2014)

3rd Place/LARC - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2012)

1st Place/CBR - RoboCup Simulation 2D(2011)



The Advanced Laboratory of Embedded Systems and Robotics (LASER) is part of the Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPGCA) of Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR).

The research group is involved in research pertaining to all aspects of intelligent and autonomous navigation. Our primary focus is to develop dynamic robotic solutions to automate distinct tasks in unknown environments. In addition, we study human cognition and learning to develop new skills for mobile robots, which allows us to interact in different kinds of applications.

about.txt · Última modificação: 2017/06/06 15:09 por João Fabro