22/08/08 Reunião com orientador para definir rumos da pesquisa
06/09/2008 Início dos trabalhos com o Arduino
13/09/2008 Montagem de ponte H para motor DC pequeno usando CI 555.
17/09/2008 Apresentação de trabalho e início da abordagem do problema em dimensões reais.
Dêm uma olhada em:
Hybrid Wheelchair Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut http://www.vonwentzel.net/Battery/index.html. [11]
MOSFET basics, http://www.web-ee.com/primers/files/WebEE/AN-9010.pdf . [12]
Electric Wheelchair, http://webfea-lb.fea.aub.edu.lb/ece/docs/fyp/2006/12_Report.pdf
Arduino Forum Hardware >> Interfacing >> switching large loads (arduino nunchuck cart) http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?action=print;num=1212905639
A solid-state DC-DC converter using n-channel MOSFETs Inigo, R.M.; Shafik, K.T.; Park, C.W. Southeastcon apos;91., IEEE Proceedings of Volume , Issue , 7-10 Apr 1991 Page(s):997 - 1000 vol.2 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SECON.1991.147910
Summary:The authors describe the design, construction, and testing of an all n-channel PWM (pulsewidth modulation) DC-DC converter for electric wheelchair (EW) applications. The circuit requires only three ICs and four power MOSFETs, plus a few passive components. Its efficiency is much higher than that of a previously reported device that used n- and p-channel MOSFETs. The converter is compact, lightweight, and very reliable, owing to the use of ICs and a very low component count
Electronic wheelchair controller designed for operation byhand-operated joystick, ultrasonic noncontact head control and utterancefrom a small word-command vocabulary.
Coyle, E.D. New Developments in Electric Vehicles for Disabled Persons,
Summary:The majority of electric wheelchair users are able to operate a joystick to control the chair, however many more quadriplegic users need some other means of controlling the wheelchair. This paper describes an electronic PWM DC drive unit designed for operation by standard joystick, ultrasonic noncontact head control, and by command from a limited speech vocabulary
Design of an integral computer-based wheelchair controller/linear synchronous motor system Gary W. Kelly1, David A. Ross1, Richard M. Bass1 and Kent R. Davey1 Journal Journal of Medical Systems. Springer Netherlands ISSN 0148-5598 (Print) 1573-689X (Online) Issue Volume 10, Number 3 / June, 1986 DOI 10.1007/BF00992819 Pages 245-254
08/10/08 Chegada da cadeira restaurada e com motores instalados / Montagem do circuito do Joystick com auxílio do prof. Merkle
14/10/2008 Teste bem-sucedido de deslocamento da cadeira com pessoa de massa de aproximadamente 70 kg. Terreno plano.
21/10/2008 Ajustes na cadeira e teste de deslocamento com dois motores utilizados simultaneamente.
23/10/08 Funcionamento da ponte-H transistorizada
24/10/08 Contato com professores de eletrônica e orientador sobre como montar uma ponte-H com MOSFETs e que suporte alta corrente.
25/10/2008 Ajuste de monografia e teste de soldagem de componentes
26/10/2008 Dêm uma olhada nos links em http://www.educypedia.be/electronics/powercontrol.htm , merkle.
29/10/2008 Primeira tentativa de ponte-H com MOSFETs IRF4905 finalizada
31/10/2008 Passagem do circuito do joystick para placa de circuito universal e conclusão da segunda ponte-H com MOSFETs