Recomendações Curriculares

(Diferença entre revisões)
(Página substituída por 'Considero de suma importância que os currículos em computação, e inclusive os nossos, seja em que níveis forem, tenham uma estrutura que facilite a comparação, e a ...')
Linha 4: Linha 4:
[[Áreas do Conhecimento em Computação e Informática]]
[[Áreas do Conhecimento em Computação e Informática]]
Uma alternativa seria utilizar a estrutura a ser proposta nas recomendações curriculares da ACM, em seu ''interim report''.
Áreas do Conhecimento (''knowledge areas'')
*Discrete Structures (DS)
** 1 DS/FunctionsRelationsAndSets [core]
** 2 DS/BasicLogic [core]
** 3 DS/ProofTechniques [core]
** 4 DS/BasicsOfCounting [core]
** 5 DS/GraphsAndTrees [core]
** 6 DS/DiscreteProbability [core]
*Programming Fundamentals (PF)
** 1 PF/FundamentalConstructs [core]
** 2 PF/AlgorithmicProblemSolving [core]
** 3 PF/DataStructures [core]
** 4 PF/Recursion [core]
** 5 PF/EventDriven [core]
** 6 PF/ObjectOriented [core]
** 7 PF/FoundationsInformationSecurity [core]
** 8 PF/SecureProgramming [core]
*Algorithms and Complexity (AL)
** 1 AL/BasicAnalysis [core]
** 2 AL/AlgorithmicStrategies [core]
** 3 AL/FundamentalAlgorithms [core]
** 4 AL/DistributedAlgorithms [core]
** 5 AL/BasicComputability [core]
** 6 AL/PversusNP [elective]
** 7 AL/AutomataTheory [elective]
** 8 AL/AdvancedAnalysis [elective]
** 9 AL/CryptographicAlgorithms [elective]
** 10 AL/GeometricAlgorithms [elective]
** 11 AL/ParallelAlgorithms [elective]
*Architecture and Organization (AR)
** 1 AR/Digital Logic and Data Representation [core]
** 2 AR/Computer Architecture and Organization [core]
** 3 AR/Interfacing and I/O Strategies [core]
** 4 AR/MemoryArchitecture [core]
** 5 AR/FunctionalOrganization [core]
** 6 AR/Multiprocessing [core]
** 7 AR/PerformanceEnhancements [elective]
** 8 AR/DistributedArchitectures [elective]
** 9 AR/Devices [elective]
** 10 AR/Directions in Computing [elective]
*Operating Systems (OS)
** 1 OS/OverviewOfOperatingSystems [core]
** 2 OS/OperatingSystemPrinciples [core]
** 3 OS/Concurrency [core]
** 4 OS/SchedulingAndDispatch [core]
** 5 OS/MemoryManagement [core]
** 6 OS/DeviceManagement [elective]
**7 OS/SecurityAndProtection [core]
** 8 OS/FileSystems [elective]
** 9 OS/RealTimeAndEmbeddedSystems [elective]
** 10 OS/FaultTolerance [elective]
** 11 OS/SystemPerformanceEvaluation [elective]
** 12 OS/Scripting [elective]
** 13 OS/DigitalForensics [elective]
** 14 OS/SecurityModels [elective]
*Net-Centric Computing (NC)
** 1 NC/Introduction [core]
** 2 NC/NetworkCommunication [core]
** 3 NC/NetworkSecurity [core]
** 4 NC/WebOrganization [Elective]
** 5 NC/NetworkedApplications [elective]
** 6 NC/NetworkManagement [elective]
** 7 NC/Compression [Elective]
** 8 NC/MultimediaTechnologies] [elective]
** 9 NC/MobileComputing [elective]
*Programming Languages (PL)
** 1 PL/Overview [core]
** 2 PL/VirtualMachines [core]
** 3 PL/BasicLanguageTranslation [core]
** 4 PL/DeclarationsAndTypes [core]
** 5 PL/AbstractionMechanisms [core]
** 6 PL/ObjectOrientedProgramming [core]
** 7 PL/ FunctionalProgramming [elective]
** 8 PL/LanguageTranslationSystems [elective]
** 9 PL/TypeSystems [elective]
** 10 PL/ProgrammingLanguageSemantics [elective]
** 11 PL/ProgrammingLanguageDesign [elective]
*Human-Computer Interaction (HC)
** 1 HC/Foundations [core]
** 2 HC/BuildingGUIInterfaces [core]
** 3 HC/UserCenteredSoftwareEvaluation [elective]
** 4 HC/UserCenteredSoftwareDevelopment [elective]
** 5 HC/GUIDesign [elective]
** 6 HC/GUIProgramming [elective]
** 7 HC/MultimediaAndMultimodalSystems [elective]
** 8 HC/CollaborationAndCommunication [elective]
** 9 HC/InteractionDesignForNewEnvironments [elective]
** 10 HC/HumanFactorsAndSecurity [elective]
*Graphics and Visual Computing (GV)
** 1 GV/FundamentalTechniques [core]
** 2 GV/GraphicSystems [core]
** 3 GV/GraphicCommunication
** 4 GV/GeometricModeling
** 5 GV/BasicRendering
** 6 GV/AdvancedRendering
** 7 GV/AdvancedTechniques
** 8 GV/ComputerAnimation
** 9 GV/Visualization
** 10 GV/VirtualReality
** 11 GV/ComputerVision
** 12 GV/ComputationalGeometry [elective]
** 13 GV/GameEngineProgramming [elective]
*Intelligent Systems (IS)
** 1 IS/FundamentalIssues [core]
** 2 IS/BasicSearchStrategies [core]
** 3 IS/KnowledgeBasedReasoning [core]
** 4 IS/AdvancedSearch [elective]
** 5 IS/AdvancedReasoning [elective]
** 6 IS/Agents [elective]
** 7 IS/NaturalLanguageProcessing [elective]
** 8 IS/MachineLearning [elective]
** 9 IS/PlanningSystems [elective]
** 10 IS/Robotics [elective]
** 11 IS/Perception [elective]
*Information Management (IM)
** 1 IM/InformationModels [core]
** 2 IM/DatabaseSystems [core]
** 3 IM/DataModeling [core]
** 4 IM/Indexing [Elective]
** 5 IM/RelationalDatabases [elective]
** 6 IM/QueryLanguages [elective]
** 7 IM/RelationalDatabaseDesign[elective]
** 8 IM/TransactionProcessing [elective]
** 9 IM/DistributedDatabases [elective]
** 10 IM/PhysicalDatabaseDesign [elective]
** 11 IM/DataMining [elective]
** 12 IM/InformationStorageAndRetrieval [elective]
** 13 IM/Hypermedia [elective]
** 14 IM/MultimediaSystems [elective]
** 15 IM/DigitalLibraries [elective]
*Professional Issues (SP)
** 1 SP/HistoryOfComputing [core]
** 2 SP/SocialContext [core]
** 3 SP/AnalyticalTools [core]
** 4 SP/ProfessionalEthics [core]
** 5 SP/Risks [core]
** 6 SP/SecurityOperations [elective]
** 7 SP/IntellectualProperty [core]
** 8 SP/PrivacyAndCivilLiberties [core]
** 9 SP/ComputerCrime [elective]
** 10 SP/EconomicsOfComputing [elective]
** 11 SP/PhilosophicalFrameworks [elective]
*Software Engineering (SE)
** 1 SE/SoftwareDesign [core]
** 2 SE/UsingAPIs [core]
** 3 SE/ToolsAndEnvironments [core]
** 4 SE/SoftwareProcesses [core]
** 5 SE/RequirementsSpecifications [core]
** 6 SE/SoftwareVerificationValidation [core]
** 7 SE/SoftwareEvolution [core]
** 8 SE/SoftwareProjectManagement [core]
** 9 SE/ComponentBasedComputing [elective]
** 10 SE/FormalMethods [elective]
** 11 SE/SoftwareReliability [elective]
** 12 SE/SpecializedSystems [elective]
** 13 SE/RiskAssessment [Elective]
** 14 PF/RobustAndSecurity-EnhancedProgramming [elective]
*Computational Science (CN)
**CN/Modeling And Simulation [elective]
**CN/Operations Research [elective]
**CN/Parallel Computation [elective]

Edição de 11h56min de 25 de julho de 2009

Considero de suma importância que os currículos em computação, e inclusive os nossos, seja em que níveis forem, tenham uma estrutura que facilite a comparação, e a consquente avaliação, do conhecimento coberto.

Áreas e Mestria em Computação e Informática

Áreas do Conhecimento em Computação e Informática

Ferramentas pessoais